Concrete Structures for Stormwater Capture
Water Management Beyond the Traditional Pipe System
CUPOLEX® is the leading global manufacturer of concrete cast-in-place solutions for stormwater management systems. Whether your site needs a detention system to prevent storm drain overloading, a groundwater recharge system for Low-Impact Development (LID), a stormwater treatment system to improve water quality, or a complete stormwater harvesting system, CUPOLEX® will provide your solution.
Solutions by Combined Planning, Technology and Design
CUPOLEX® storm tanks are a proprietary patented plastic concrete forming system manufactured by Pontarolo Engineering Inc. The concrete forms are part of a design package provided by CUPOLEX®. Our Engineers design the concrete structure by sustainably engineering the geometry of concrete through CUPOLEX® structural dome methodology. We then select the type and size of CUPOLEX® forms that are site-specific for meeting the required water storage volumes and that will provide the ultimate performance for your project.
- High Load Bearing concrete designed structures that can exceed HS-20-44 full truck load plus impact.
- Custom designed to any layout and depth.
- Can incorporate baffles for quality control benefits
- Can be designed as a watertight system
- Applications for pavements or green space
- Streamlined installation supporting required work loads
- Suitable in minimum or no cover applications
- More cost-effective than plastic, pipe and precast type chamber systems
- Modular, quick and easy installations
- Maximum storage volume up to 98% void space
- Allows for inlet/outlet pipes and cleanout/observation ports installed at any location of the tank
- Saves space and money with no constraints from groundwater
- Time tested cast-in-place forming technology with millions of sq.ft. of tanks installed
- CUPOLEX® concrete forming manufactured to ISO 9001:2015 high quality standards
- Complete construction documents with stamped and sealed design drawings provided by CUPOLEX® licenced PEs

Both shallow and deep CUPOLEX® chamber systems can be easily modeled with the HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System, allowing simplified calculations of the unit’s storage and infiltration behaviors. The HydroCAD Chamber Wizard also performs automated chamber system layout, and simplifies the process of designing a system meeting specific storage and footprint requirements. Requires version 10.1 or later.

CUPOLEX® cast-in-place concrete detention structures and pavements provide cost-effective solutions for site applications where stormwater needs to be detained and allowed to discharge at a controlled rate.
CUPOLEX® concrete detention structures and pavements are designed for superior performance and the structurally efficient cast-in-place concrete design allows for maximization of developable land by allowing detention to be placed efficiently and easily under parking lots and roadways with deep cover or no cover at all, as well as in non-traffic areas and buildings.
- Can be designed at various depths either as shallow or deep subsurface structures or as surface pavements.
- Shallow or deep stormwater capturing structures and pavements can be designed with depths ranging from 260mm (10 inches) to 2,500mm (96 inches) in depth
- Pre-treatment and quality control benefits with TSS removal as high as 60-90% can be integrated in the design a long with manholes for easy access and maintenance.

CUPOLEX® cast-in-place concrete retention structures provide solutions for applications on sites where the goal is to retain rainwater or stormwater for some type of harvesting and reuse applications.
CUPOLEX® retention designs are available as shallow systems or deep systems for small applications, as well as for thousands or hundreds of thousands of gallons of water storage. Pre-treatment and quality control benefits with TSS removal as high as 60-90% can be integrated in the design a long with manholes for easy access and maintenance.

CUPOLEX® cast-in-place concrete harvesting structures provide stormwater capture solutions for water harvesting. Water harvesting is the collection, storage, and recycling of stormwater to reuse for irrigation or non-potable water consumption to replace or reduce the consumption of municipal potable water.
- Filtering and cleaning systems can be easily integrated with the CUPOLEX® cast-in-place concrete structures for use as potable water.
- Harvesting provides a return on investment in stormwater management while meeting regulatory compliance and potentially reducing fees and/or earning incentives.
- Pre-treatment and quality control benefits for TSS removal as high as 60-90% can be integrated in the design a long with manholes for easy access and maintenance.

CUPOLEX® infiltration structures are designed with open bottoms to infiltrate the captured stormwater into the soil for natural treatment and to replenish local aquifers. CUPOLEX® cast-in-place concrete infiltration structures eliminate the issue created with discharging stormwater off site. It is a growing trend called Low-Impact-Development (LID) that involves managing stormwater at the source.
- CUPOLEX® structures allow maximization of developable land by allowing chambers to be placed efficiently and easily under parking lots and roadways with very little or no cover, as well as in non-traffic areas.
- Pre-treatment and quality control benefits for TSS removal as high as 60-90% can be integrated in the design a long with manholes for easy access and maintenance.

Low Impact Development (LID)-Permeable Pavements
CUPOLEX® cast-in-place concrete LID structures provide green solutions for total Stormwater management including stormwater retention & harvesting, detention and ground water recharge.
CUPOLEX® LID structures are designed with a permeable topping placed above the CUPOLEX® structure or pavement to provide surface treatment. This can either be concrete pavers with a levelling base supplied by others or gravel/grass surfaces can be laid using PRATEX® for erosion control.
Water is filtered from the surface down to collection in the CUPOLEX® concrete structure for controlled management. Benefits include a Low Impact Development (LID) solution, a zero-runoff site by providing capture & harvesting of storm water on-site and eliminating the need for stormwater collection works & retention/detention ponds. This design provides TSS removal as high as 60-90% by the permeable pavers and Isolator Rows incorporated in the design and manhole access for easy maintenance.

CUPOLEX® cast-in-place concrete cisterns can be designed as shallow or deep Cisterns providing space-efficient and sustainable long-term storage for harvesting rainwater or stormwater. CUPOLEX® cisterns can be designed to be integrated into building structures, foundations, below pavements or below greenspaces.

CUPOLEX® cast-in-place concrete stormwater treatment structures and pavements are designed with an integrated sand filter as a standalone system. Sand filters are proven technology that effectively remove pollutants from stormwater runoff after construction has been completed on a given site.
Treatment tanks are typically designed as a triple-chambered structure. The first chamber is designed as an isolator row and serves to pre-treat the stormwater by allowing larger sediments to settle out and trapping some floatables. Pre-treatment is critical in reducing maintenance frequency by removing some of the larger pollutants so that the filter bed in the second chamber will become clogged less frequently.
The second chamber contains a filter bed comprised of sand, or other filter media, that will filter out finer particles and other pollutants from the water prior to discharge to a third chamber. Perforated pipes collect water at the base of the chamber, which is fed through gravity.
The third chamber is a clear well chamber for retaining the volume of water prior to discharging. Stormwater can also be diverted directly from the first chamber for emergency overflow situations to prevent sewer back-up.
Each sand filter and basin can be sized to match your application, thereby making best use of site conditions and options for efficient maintenance. Typical pollutant percent removal rates for sand filters listed by the U.S. EPA are:
- TSS 65-90%
- TP 40-85%
- TN 44-47%
- Metals 25-90+%
- Bacteria 55%

Soil Cells
A CUPOLEX® concrete cast in place Soil Cell Pavement is a green infrastructure facility designed to provide stormwater management benefits equivalent to bio-retention or bio-infiltration. The void of variable depths that the CUPOLEX® Soil Cell concrete pavement structure provides is filled with filtration soil media. Stormwater is distributed and collected within the cell network and an underdrain is connected to a discharge point or storm sewer. CUPOLEX® Concrete Soil Cells Pavements can also be designed as Hybrid Systems when combined with CUPOLEX® Stormwater Capturing Concrete Pavements and structures. This cast in place concrete stormwater management system is designed with an integrated stormwater capture, retention, infiltration and treatment as a standalone system.

Customized Design Package
Design Application Analysis – Our firm helps clients determine the Engineered CUPOLEX® system solutions that address specific site needs.
Value Engineering – CUPOLEX® works with value-engineering at the forefront of each project. We provide the best alternatives for every project.
Structural Systems Evaluation – Every project is unique. Our team reviews multiple structural CUPOLEX® systems to determine the best fit for each project.
Preliminary Structural Design – We work with our clients and their designers to determine the performance of a given CUPOLEX® structure under the prescribed loads and/or other effects or requirements while using principles of statics, dynamics and mechanics of materials to determine the size and arrangement of CUPOLEX® structural elements.
Material & Cost Estimating – Our collective experience helps us to provide our clients with material recommendations to reduce costs while maintaining the function of the CUPOLEX® structure.
Engineered Design Drawings – Issued for construction (IFC) and supported with FEA structural calculations, PE stamp, construction documents and specifications.
CUPOLEX® Installation Shop Drawings – With detailed CUPOLEX® formwork installation procedures issued to contractors.
Onsite Support – Construction training, monitoring and inspections for successful construction, and we present the information in a comprehensive report.
Construction Administration – We provide responses to request for information and interpretation of CUPOLEX® design drawings, with completion statements and regulatory compliance reporting where required.
Civil Engineers
Residential Developers
Flatwork & Forming Contractors
Civil Contractors for SWMFs
General Contractors
Civil Engineers
Residential Developers
Flatwork & Forming Contractors
Civil Contractors for SWMFs
General Contractors