Soil Cell
A CUPOLEX® concrete cast in place Soil Cell Pavement is a green infrastructure facility designed to provide stormwater management benefits equivalent to bio-retention or bio-infiltration. The void of variable depths that the CUPOLEX® Soil Cell concrete pavement structure provides is filled with filtration soil media. Stormwater is distributed and collected within the cell network and an underdrain is connected to a discharge point or storm sewer. CUPOLEX® Concrete Soil Cells Pavements can also be designed as Hybrid Systems when combined with CUPOLEX® Stormwater Capturing Concrete Pavements and structures. This cast in place concrete stormwater management system is designed with an integrated stormwater capture, retention, infiltration and treatment as a standalone system.

Planting Trees in Pavements Made Easy
Parking Lots
Plazas & Medians
Green Roofs
Break-Out Zones
Shopping Centres
- Designed to support any vehicular traffic loading
- Finished pavement is supported by concrete not plastic
- Trees do not compromise or damage the structural integrity of the paved surfaces
- Urban trees can grow and thrive in their urban setting
- Flexible for any dimension on plan or depth and can be easily installed around new or existing trees, underground utilities, and pavement penetrations
- CUPOLEX® soil cell pavements can be designed with varying depths and slopes and are available up to 2.0m (7ft)
- Resulting concrete pavement can be easily cut or modified for any temporary emergency or permanent repairs without impacting excavation procedures and the structural integrity of the soil cell pavement structure.
- Detailed simple repair procedures are included in all design drawings issued by CUPOLEX®
- Ease of installation of irrigation and water distribution systems
- CUPOLEX® Soil Cell pavements are concrete pavement structures and do not require any geotextile, gravel or fill cover
- Stamped engineered design drawings, construction training, inspections, and monitoring provided by CUPOLEX®
- Provides savings in time and materials compared to other tree and stormwater management systems
- Two unskilled labourers can assemble up to 40 m2 (400 sq.ft.) of soil cell area, ready for concrete placement, in one hour

Resulting Product is a Concrete Soil Cell Pavement
CUPOLEX® Soil Cell Pavements are constructed by assembling the CUPOLEX® Soil Cell formwork. The resulting product is an engineered concrete pavement structure capable of providing carrying capacities equivalent to conventional road pavements. The elevated CUPOLEX® soil cell pavement is supported by the matrix of concrete columns formed by the CUPOLEX® soil cell concrete forming system that are poured monolithically with the pavement. The paving loads are transferred vertically downward to the subbase below the planting soil layer, allowing the pavement to support high load-bearing capacities.

CUPOLEX® Soil Cell Forms
The CUPOLEX® Soil Cell system is a proprietary patented plastic concrete pavement forming system manufactured by Pontarolo Engineering Inc. CUPOLEX® Soil Cell forms are custom made to meet your site-specific requirements such as varying soil depths, weather, special accommodations for underground utilities, special requirements for delivery and logistics, supporting working-load capabilities and any special impact resistance during installation and placement of the concrete pavement.

Converting Risk-Driving Impervious Spaces into Resilient Assets
The concrete Soil Cell forms are part of a design package provided by CUPOLEX®. CUPOLEX® engineers design the concrete soil cell pavements by sustainably engineering the geometry of concrete using CUPOLEX® structural dome methodology. On a site-specific basis, CUPOLEX® engineers select the type and size of CUPOLEX® Soil Cell forms necessary to meet the required soil volumes and that will provide the ultimate performance for your project. The forms are supplied to contractors by CUPOLEX® to assemble the planters and the concrete cast-in-place Soil Cell pavement, as to the design and specifications provided by the CUPOLEX® design engineers.

Engineered with Patented Aeration Void
- Easy flow of water into the soil
- Greater surface area for gas exchange between soil and air resulting in increased oxygenation of the roots.
- Space below the pavement is required for good soil life and the necessary biochemical exchanges to promote tree growth.
- Roots will not colonize and spread evenly throughout the planting soil.
- Due to the aeration void, roots do not upheave sidewalks and adjacent pavements.

Customized Design Package
Design Application Analysis – Our firm helps clients determine the Engineered CUPOLEX® system solutions that address specific site needs.
Value Engineering – CUPOLEX® works with value-engineering at the forefront of each project. We provide the best alternatives for every project.
Structural Systems Evaluation – Every project is unique. Our team reviews multiple structural CUPOLEX® systems to determine the best fit for each project.
Preliminary Structural Design – We work with our clients and their designers to determine the performance of a given CUPOLEX® structure under the prescribed loads and/or other effects or requirements while using principles of statics, dynamics and mechanics of materials to determine the size and arrangement of CUPOLEX® structural elements.
Material & Cost Estimating – Our collective experience helps us to provide our clients with material recommendations to reduce costs while maintaining the function of the CUPOLEX® structure.
Engineered Design Drawings – Issued for construction (IFC) and supported with FEA structural calculations, PE stamp, construction documents and specifications.
CUPOLEX® Installation Shop Drawings – With detailed CUPOLEX® formwork installation procedures issued to contractors.
Onsite Support – Construction training, monitoring and inspections for successful construction, and we present the information in a comprehensive report.
Construction Administration – We provide responses to request for information and interpretation of CUPOLEX® design drawings, with completion statements and regulatory compliance reporting where required.
Landscape Architects
Civil Engineers
Residential Developers
Flatwork & Forming Contractors
General Contractors
Landscape Architects
Civil Engineers
Residential Developers
Flatwork & Forming Contractors
General Contractors