Market Expertise

ICON-High Load-Bearing
ICON-Soil Cell Pavements
ICON-Hybrid Systems
ICON-Rigid Pavements
ICON-Isolator Rows

CUPOLEX® concrete structures provide cost-effective solutions for site applications where stormwater needs to be detained and discharged at a controlled rate. Detention structures are designed for superior performance and mallow for maximization of developable land. Placed efficiently and easily under parking lots with deep cover or no cover at all, as well as in non-traffic areas and building foundations.

Low Impact Development
CUPOLEX® concrete structures provide green solutions for total Stormwater Management when designed with a PRATEX® permeable grid or pavers and a leveling base above the CUPOLEX® structure. Water is filtered from the surface down to collection in the CUPOLEX® concrete structure for controlled management. This design removes TSS by as much as 60-90% via the permeable surface paving and Isolator Rows with manhole access for easy maintenance.

High Load-Bearing
The elevated CUPOLEX® pavement is supported by the matrix of concrete columns formed by the CUPOLEX® forming system. The paving loads are transferred vertically down to the subbase below the planting soil layer, allowing the pavement to support high load-bearing capacities. Applications include sidewalks, right-of-ways, parking areas, plazas or other public realms including above structural decks and roofs.

Soil Cell Pavements
A CUPOLEX® concrete cast in place Soil Cell Pavement is a green infrastructure facility designed to provide stormwater management benefits equivalent to bioretention or bio-infiltration. The void of variable depths provided is filled with filtration soil media. Stormwater is distributed and collected within the cell network and an underdrain is connected to a discharge point or storm sewer.

Roads & Laneways
Are designed for Stormwater capture to mitigate flood risk. This design converts impervious pavements into resilient assets but also extends the life of existing water infrastructure by reducing the hydrological load. Transforming urban impervious pavements in areas of flood vulnerability can now be done cost-effectively with much less interruption in traffic patterns and the local economy.

The elevated CUPOLEX® concrete structure and the void created below the pavement is used to contain quality and unlimited soil volumes. Flexible for any dimension on plan or depth, CUPOLEX® can be easily installed around new or existing underground utilities and pavement penetrations. Any future utility retro-fits are easily cut out.

Isolator Rows
Incorporated in the design with closed bottoms to pretreat run-off along with manholes for easy access and maintenance. They can be integrated into bike lanes, roads, and sidewalks before water enters the main CUPOLEX® cast-in-place concrete pavement chamber. The complete system can reduce TSS by up to 60-90% and water is treated naturally

Rigid Pavements
The resulting product is a concrete pavement slab, capable of providing carrying capacities equivalent to conventional road pavements, with less concrete required to do so. The ability of CUPOLEX® to reduce the initial construction costs of concrete road pavements makes them much more economically attractive to transportation agencies.

Hybrid Systems
Soil Cells Pavements designed as Hybrid Systems combined CUPOLEX® stormwater capturing pavements and structures. This cast-in-place concrete stormwater management system is designed with integrated stormwater capture, retention, infiltration and treatment as a standalone system.

CUPOLEX® concrete structures provide cost-effective solutions for site applications where stormwater needs to be detained and discharged at a controlled rate. Detention structures are designed for superior performance and mallow for maximization of developable land. Placed efficiently and easily under parking lots with deep cover or no cover at all, as well as in non-traffic areas and building foundations.
Low Impact Development
CUPOLEX® concrete structures provide green solutions for total Stormwater Management when designed with a PRATEX® permeable grid or pavers and a leveling base above the CUPOLEX® structure. Water is filtered from the surface down to collection in the CUPOLEX® concrete structure for controlled management. This design removes TSS by as much as 60-90% via the permeable surface paving and Isolator Rows with manhole access for easy maintenance.
High Load-Bearing
The elevated CUPOLEX® pavement is supported by the matrix of concrete columns formed by the CUPOLEX® forming system. The paving loads are transferred vertically down to the subbase below the planting soil layer, allowing the pavement to support high load-bearing capacities. Applications include sidewalks, right-of-ways, parking areas, plazas or other public realms including above structural decks and roofs.
Soil Cell Pavements
A CUPOLEX® concrete cast in place Soil Cell Pavement is a green infrastructure facility designed to provide stormwater management benefits equivalent to bioretention or bio-infiltration. The void of variable depths provided is filled with filtration soil media. Stormwater is distributed and collected within the cell network and an underdrain is connected to a discharge point or storm sewer.
Roads & Laneways
Are designed for Stormwater capture to mitigate flood risk. This design converts impervious pavements into resilient assets but also extends the life of existing water infrastructure by reducing the hydrological load. Transforming urban impervious pavements in areas of flood vulnerability can now be done cost-effectively with much less interruption in traffic patterns and the local economy.
The elevated CUPOLEX® concrete structure and the void created below the pavement is used to contain quality and unlimited soil volumes. Flexible for any dimension on plan or depth, CUPOLEX® can be easily installed around new or existing underground utilities and pavement penetrations. Any future utility retro-fits are easily cut out.
Isolator Rows
Incorporated in the design with closed bottoms to pretreat run-off along with manholes for easy access and maintenance. They can be integrated into bike lanes, roads, and sidewalks before water enters the main CUPOLEX® cast-in-place concrete pavement chamber. The complete system can reduce TSS by up to 60-90% and water is treated naturally
Rigid Pavements
The resulting product is a concrete pavement slab, capable of providing carrying capacities equivalent to conventional road pavements, with less concrete required to do so. The ability of CUPOLEX® to reduce the initial construction costs of concrete road pavements makes them much more economically attractive to transportation agencies.
Hybrid Systems
Soil Cells Pavements designed as Hybrid Systems combined CUPOLEX® stormwater capturing pavements and structures. This cast-in-place concrete stormwater management system is designed with integrated stormwater capture, retention, infiltration and treatment as a standalone system.

Converting Risk-Driving Impervious Spaces into Resilient Assets
CUPOLEX® supports urban planners in understanding that cost-effective resilient mechanisms can be easily integrated into virtually any project, which increases the performance and attractiveness of the given space over competitors’ renderings.
Offering decentralized stormwater capture becomes a part of the project, bringing additional benefit to municipalities and planning firms.
We identify areas where contemporary challenges call for improved collaborative urban solutions:
- Flood management
- Flexibility of stormwater capture systems
- Efficient land use
- Climate change impact
- Securing critical infrastructure
- Resolving questions regarding responsibilities
Stormwater Capture, Management & Flood-Proofing
Engineers are always looking for easier design solutions. CUPOLEX® does that by offering maximum structural integrity and flexibility to adjust for area, depth and volume, as well as accommodating pre-existing utilities. CUPOLEX® is not a product, but rather it gives civil engineers a form-based methodology to maximize the usage of space and budgets by sustainably manipulating the geometry of concrete.
CUPOLEX® is the leading global manufacturer of concrete cast-in-place forming solutions for stormwater management systems. Whether your site needs a detention system to prevent storm drain overloading, a groundwater recharge system for Low-Impact Development (LID), a stormwater treatment system to improve water quality, or a complete stormwater harvesting system, CUPOLEX® offers structurally sound options for civil engineers to creatively integrate resilience in their design plans.
With CUPOLEX®’s engineering support from the design phase to final implementation, real estate developers have the advantage of presenting flood mitigation and stormwater management as a unique ‘municipal benefit’ to planning and zoning departments. Aside from facing increased flood risk, municipalities spend tens of millions of dollars in stormwater repairs and improvements. CUPOLEX® gives developers a comparative advantage over the competition when bidding on land by offering the municipality a decentralized stormwater capture system that alleviates the hydrological load on public infrastructure, saving cities millions in costly repairs while extending the lifecycle of existing piping.

Our Capabilities
Engineered Concrete Structures For Stormwater Capture
Stormwater Discharge Integrated Into Buildings
Flood-Proofing & Harvesting For Buildings
Vapour Intrusion & Radon Mitigation
A greater awareness of the risks associated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ground gases such as radon has led to an increasing number of construction projects requiring the use of a suitable protection system to safeguard both the development and its occupants.
Vapour intrusion is a rapidly growing market for consultants, and it pays to stay ahead of the crowd. Traditional vapour intrusion mitigation systems, or “radon” systems, have been around for decades and haven’t changed much in that time. Electric fans need to run continuously to pull enough air through soil below a slab to maintain negative pressures. Expensive gravel beds, collection pipes, liners and blowers are needed to ensure that a vacuum is distributed to all points below the slab.
CUPOLEX® Aerated Floors are the modern systems that use open space rather than soil to vent the slab, resulting in highly efficient transmission of vacuum and air flow. Field tests and modeling studies verify that aerated floors are an order of magnitude more effective than traditional slab-on-grade systems, without the need for expensive liners. This means greater protection with less energy, a sustainable and lower cost solution that is in sync with the growing demand for green technologies.

Our Capabilities
Active or Passive Vapour Intrustion Mitigation
Radon-Mitigating Floors
Structural Engineering for Sustainable Construction
CUPOLEX® offers value engineering and cost-effective structural design solutions supporting sustainable & green construction. CUPOLEX® design solutions decrease GHG emissions by using less concrete, gravel and aggregates. CUPOLEX® offers PE stamped drawings, construction training and installation observation to ensure the success of each project.

Our Capabilities
Grade-Supported Concrete Floors
Foundation-Supported Structural Concrete Floors
Structural Post-Tensioned Reinforced Concrete Slab-on-Grade
Concrete Floors for Refrigerated Buildings
Raised Concrete Floors for Structural or Lighweight Fill Replacement
Concrete Floors for Industrial Warehouses